All in all, these are quality of life mods that are suitable for even new players. Many of these are purely cosmetic, but some, such as Animal Tab or Centralized Climate Control, add a lot more than shiny new things to look at. The mods listed here are those that I've found to be both useful and minimally impactful on the game's overall balance.
It's true - some mods toss all semblance of balance out the window in the name of game customization.
One aspect of mods that many newer players and some experienced players aren't too keen on is the idea of severe balance changes.
It took me maybe three days of playing until I cracked and started piling mods on, but it may take you longer.
One of the biggest boons to Rimworld as a game is that it's so moddable and, should you so choose, you can mod it to your exact specifications so you can play exactly the way you want to.